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finest electronic music

wion music: Albums, EPs, Single Tracks and Remixes

I have written and produced a lot of Tracks and Songs since the year 1990, amongst others to my former, self-founded Elektro-Pop Band 'Expose Reality'.
Some of my Tracks have been published as Albums (on CD) and on the internet by myself.

There are at least three complete Albums, three EPs and some Single Tracks for free Download at the following sites. Please click on each thumbnail for more information:

Bild "td:wion-tracks_125.jpg" Single Tracks & Remixes

Released and unreleased Single Tracks and Remixes (2000-2014)
Download: free (via Soundcloud.com)

Bild "td:album_vortex_125.jpg" EP "Vortex"

Release: 2011
Tracks: 5 (27:05)
Download: free

Bild "td:album_more_125.jpg" EP "More"

Release: 2010
Tracks: 5 (28:11)
Download: free

Bild "td:album_39_125.jpg" EP "39"

Release: 2010
Tracks: 6 (32:26)
Download: free

Bild "td:album_club88_125.jpg" Album "Club 88"

Release: 2009
Tracks: 13 (75:30)
Download: free

Bild "td:album_nl_125.jpg" Album "Noordwijk, NL"

Release: 2008
Tracks: 13 (70:22)
Download: free

Bild "td:album_cor_125.jpg" Album "Chill Out / Reverse"

Release: 2000
Tracks: 12 (69:51)
Download: free

Bild "td:album_lff_125.jpg" Album "Life's Fantastic Flights"

Release: 2000
Tracks: 11 (62:29)
Download: free

All songs written, composed and published by Thorsten Gumball.
(Additional: Remix-Producers)

All rights reserved. 2000-2022 wion-beats.de