Please notice !!!
This SubDomain (http://archive.wion-beats.de/2007) is just for rememberance of the design of the wion-beats Homepage till October, 2007. It will not be actualized anymore.
The present Version of the wion-beats Homepage is available at:
"A little bit too dark" - that´s what I thought a few days ago. So I decided to rebuild the websites of wion-beats completely.
At the beginning of November, 2007, I will present a brandnew virtual home of wion - including some news about the music and the forthcomming Live-Gigs.
Stay tuned.
The websites of wion-beats show off in a new Design. The navigation to the other sites is placed at the right side.
The musically initiative Ruhrklang celebrates the publication of its 3rd CD-Compilation on Friday, 15th of June, 2007.
A great party and some live-acts of the Ruhrklang membered Bands in the Location Bahnhof Langendreer (Bochum, Germany).
Further information at the Ruhrklang Homepage.

electric unity is a fresh community of representatives of Electronic Music. The website is online now.
The primary aim is to push the Elctronic Music. We will support our ideas by organizing Live-Gigs and celebrating Parties.
Step into the future sounds !

Alex Terzakis of Factor-4 (www.owom.net) did it again: he remixed a brilliant version of the wion-Track Sensations Overload.
You may download this "Chip Remix" (MP3) by visiting the music site.
New ideas, new challenges and new albums - these are the aims for the year 2007, in which wion will celebrate its 10th Birthday.
Further information about songs, albums, live-performances and the foundation of the recordlabel will be published when the time has come!
Stay tuned. Feel the Disco!
In matter of rememberance, I uploaded any old websites of wion-beats.
Long live the data-save on CompactDisc! Without datasave I wouldn´t be able to upload the old websites.
Please do not wonder if some functions are disabled and some things aren´t the same as they are now.
It´s just the past.
Fresh wind from the west - a new wion Track is online!
It is a demo-version of the brand new Trance-Track called The Game, which will find its place on the album following the next named wion.
Further info and download at music.
Okay, it´s time to make those facts public:
I stepped into another band and founded a new side-project. The band is called Dissident(en)Club. My partners are Sven and Herp, the sound of the dissidents is best described as Avantgarde Pop & Rock.
The side-project is a cooperation of me and Dimi from the band Tulip (Hardcore from Bochum, Germany). Here we want to test our other sides of music: HipHop, TripHop and more. Our project is called Ditho.
My very private website has been developed.
Visit www.thorsten.gumball.de (german website) to get some info about me, look at some pictures and read the virtual diary/weblog (together with my brothers Peter and Stephan).
I re-arranged the inner structure of wion-beats.de:
All kinds of news will be published on this site called "news". The introduction of wion and its music is now placed on the homepage, the site music is filled with the details of the official (demo-) albums - of course, there are MP3-files to download.
At the music site you will find a medley (demo) of the new album to download.
It´s a Pre-Mix, so not mixed perfectly.
The tracklist got its final sequence, read the entry of July 27th, 2006.
The compositions for the forthcomming album Noordwijk, NL have been finished!
14 great tracks of finest electronic music between Downbeat, House and Trance will fill the listeners to enthusiasm!
But now I have to do the mixing, recording and mastering, which will take some time, of course.
The biggest NoCost and Outside Festival in NRW (Germany) will take place from 13th to 16th of July, 2006, in Bochum: Bochum Total.
Further info and Line-Up at www.bochumtotal.de!
At this time I (re)build my homestudio between watching the Football-World-Championship. In July I will start to record the new album
Noordwijk, NL.
Ruhrklang, the musically initiative for the Ruhrgebiet, will arrange its release-party for the second compilation on Friday, the 26th of May, 2006 at 7:00 PM in the Bahnhof-Langendreer, Bochum.
Some of the bands, which are present on this compilation, will play live. The first Ruhrklang-Disco with a lot of music out of the Ruhrgebiet will follow subsequently to the gigs.
The entrance-fee will be 3.00 Euro or 5.00 Euro as a bundle with the compilation. Further information at www.ruhrklang.de
Upon mature and intensive deliberations I came to two important and farreaching decisions:
I put back all my solo-music-projects (wion, Chat Set Inc. and Coma Mission) into the startingpoint - the whole sprectrum of my (solo-) music will exclusive be published in the name of wion instantly.
The main reason is that I thought and composed in lines very much because of the separation of the styles (e.g. Dance and Trance, House and TripHop, Pop and Electronica). Thereby I lost a kind of playfull freedom that restricted my creativity very strong sometimes.
In matter of this decision some contents of this homepage had to be updated. And I took this chance of renewal to create a complete new design for wion-beats.
The online-community MySpace.com got musically increase with my project wion:
Visit www.myspace.com/wion to get some new tracks for listening.