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wion-beats ::.. archives

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Happy new year!
Within this year (new) albums of wion-beats will be published finally.
Apart from producing tracks the question of distribution has to be answered, more details will be posted!
At this point there are four tracks in full length for download at the music site.

Several changes have been done at wion-beats...

Volunteer for Life has been renamed into Coma Mission, without loosing the background and sense at itself.
The design of the websites has been refreshed and assimilated to new rules. There is a new guestbook included, too, and it got its own design.
The actual working music-projects are rearranged now and, as usual, placed at music site.
At once, the tracks which are offered for download are limited to a determinated quantity. New releases will be posted with the notice of the further use (e.g. forthcomming albums etc.).